United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a monarchy consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and North-Ireland. The UK has 64.1 million inhabitants of which 9.8 Million live in the capital: London. Its economy is the 6th largest in the world. EU-citizens can freely travel to and work in the UK since it is part of the EU. The local language is English. The UK is home to many interesting cities, museums, restaurants, theaters and other getaways.
The UK offers diverse possibilities to continue your career. Whether you are looking for a short term (locum) contract or long term career, live in a big city or prefer the country life, many options are available.
Health care is arranged via the National Health Services (NHS). It is a publicly funded organisation paid for via taxation. Health services are accessible mostly for free for UK nationals. Apart from their work in NHS clinics many UK physicians have a private practice.
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